Monday, October 29, 2012

NWADNUG Special Event


We Will Be Hosting


The .NET Rocks! Visual Studio 2012 Launch Road Trip!


Monday 12th of November

at the

Center for Nonprofits

1200 West Walnut

Rogers, AR 72756

Please register on the site and plan to join form 6-10pm for great time.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 2012 Meeting–Books and Blogs II

The next Northwest Arkansas .Net User Group meeting will be held October 9th, 2012 at 6:00 PM at Rockfish in Rogers.

Please RSVP before noon on October 9th so we can order enough food for everyone.

New Location:

ROGERS, AR 72758

Please use the main lobby doors in the center of the building. If entering from the front the cafeteria will be toward the back on the left.

Meeting Information

Title: Books and Blogs II

As professionals, we all have different sources that we use to expand our knowledge about our fields.  Some of us read blogs about development or ways to manage a project.  Others read books about how to better manage their relationships with teammates or interact with managers.
This month's meeting offers you a chance to hear about books and blogs that other members of the group use to "sharpen their saws" and the opportunity to share your own sources of inspiration.  
Anyone wishing to present can share a brief (1-5 minutes) presentation about a book or blog that he or she finds useful.  If you have a copy of your book to pass around, please bring it with you.  No one will be required to share, and everyone is free to contribute.


6:00 PM - 6:15 PM - Welcome and News, Sign-in and Food
6:15 PM - 8:10 PM - Main Presentation
8:10 PM - 8:30 PM - Closing and Prize give-a-ways


3100 MARKET ST. SUITE 101 
ROGERS, AR 72758

Please forward this announcement to anyone you think would be interested.