Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sample Code of Func<T,bool>

Just some sample code of passing a predicate into a method.
   1:  using System; 


   3:  namespace Func 

   4:  { 

   5:      class Program 

   6:      { 

   7:          static void Main(string[] args) 

   8:          { 

   9:              string[] weekDays = {"Sun", "Sat", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri"}; 


  11:              Display(weekDays, s => s.Length > 2 ); 

  12:              Console.ReadLine(); 

  13:          } 


  15:          private static void Display(string[] name, Func<string, bool> func) 

  16:          { 

  17:              foreach (string s in name) 

  18:              { 

  19:                  if (func(s)) Console.WriteLine(s); 

  20:              } 

  21:          } 

  22:      } 

  23:  }

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