Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012 Meeting - CoffeeScript

The next Northwest Arkansas .Net User Group meeting will be held September 11th, 2012 at 6:00 PM at Rockfish in Rogers. John Teague will be presenting on CoffeeScript.

Please RSVP before noon on September 11th so we can order enough food for everyone.

New Location:

ROGERS, AR 72758

Please use the main lobby doors in the center of the building. If entering from the front the cafeteria will be toward the back on the left.

Meeting Information

Title: CoffeeScript, the little language that could
CoffeeScript is a small language that compiles to JavaScript.  It accentuates JavaScripts good parts, obfuscates the bad parts and remembers all of the little things you might forget when writing solid JavaScript.  We'll take a tour of some the key points of the language and show how it can help solve real world problems.

About the Presenter: John Teague

John Teague is a software consultant and entrepreneur living in Austin TX.  He is the Owner and Principle Consultant of Avenida Software, a dual-shore consulting company.  John helps his clients build high performance websites using the latest technologies, and helps enterprises move away from the monolithic application to more nimble collaborative systems based on distributed architecture and SOA.


6:00 PM - 6:15 PM - Welcome and News, Sign-in and Food
6:15 PM - 8:10 PM - Main Presentation
8:10 PM - 8:30 PM - Closing and Prize give-a-ways


3100 MARKET ST. SUITE 101 
ROGERS, AR 72758

Please forward this announcement to anyone you think would be interested.